
5 Best Travel Hacks for Beard Grooming When Traveling

Posted by John Melizanis on

5 Best Travel Hacks for Beard Grooming When Traveling

5 Best Travel Hacks for Beard Grooming When Traveling

After a long day of traveling the last thing you want is to worry about your beard.

After a long day of driving, you pull up to the motel and your beard looks downright unruly.

Having a great beard is easy when you are in the comfort of your home and have all of your tools, but what do you do when you’re traveling and your beard starts getting out of control?

Here at Newmen we want to make sure that you are always looking and feeling your best, even when you’re on the go!


1. All in One Soap

Simplicity is the name of the game when it comes to traveling. You want to bring as few items as possible, so why not consolidate?

You may have soap for your body, soap for your face and maybe a couple of other types of soaps that you use. 

The best thing you can do is find an All in One soap that you can use on your face, beard, pits and crotch (and make sure it’s a solid soap so it doesn’t end up with TSA).

Using the same soap for everything may not be ideal, but helpful for an on-the-go lifestyle.


2. Zip-Lock all your Liquids

We don’t want to bore you with the science, but when you go up in a plane, air expands and can cause some of your containers/products to expand.

For example, if you fly with a half-drunken water bottle, it will expand when you get into the air and look like it’s about to explode.

That very same thing can happen to your grooming products, and worst of all is that if these products do leak, they can ruin whatever is in the rest of your suitcase.

How do you avoid this? It’s as simple as just putting your tubes, containers, and bottles in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Next time your beard oils get a little leaky in your suitcase, hopefully, the plastic bag will be there to save the day.


3. Stock Your Grooming Bag

Have you ever seen inside a woman's purse? They have everything you’d need to survive off of - for the next decade.

Similarly, we want to make sure that YOUR grooming bag has all the essentials you will need when you are on the go (and hopefully be much more compact than a woman’s purse). 

While everyone uses different products, it is important to make sure you have the essentials: toothbrush, toothpaste, soaps, combs, etc.

But at the same time you need to make sure you are not compromising your routine, so if you normally use beard oil or beard cream, make sure that you pack a small amount in your grooming bag.

One of the most effective tricks I have seen is rationing all of your grooming products based on how many days you will be traveling.


4. Scented Beard Oils

Most of the time when you are traveling you are active and on-the-go and for that reason, you will probably be sweating a good amount.

You’ve probably noticed that sweating with a beard is a whole new ball game than sweating as a clean-shaven man… It can be a bit more difficult.

You will probably be sweating a bit more than normal and what happens when you sweat a lot? You get a little stinky.

When you’re traveling on-the-go it can be tough to always smell great (especially with a bear) so one of the best things you can do is apply scented beard oil once a day.

Scented beard oils are surprisingly common and you can find nearly any scent you want, ranging from pine tar to dandelion.

Another reason why beard oils can be a great addition to your grooming bag (talked about in tip 3).


5. Face Wipes

Traveling can make you sweaty and stinky.

Bringing a small pack of face wipes with you can help save the day if things get bad.

Often you’ll start sweating up a storm or get some of your drink in your beard and in these cases, having a face wipe is priceless.


If you choose not to use scented beard oil (mentioned above) then wiping down your beard with a face wipe is a great way to keep it smelling and looking great.


Ultimately it's up to you to decide how you want to prepare for your travels but we are here to help.

Some of the best hacks that we have found include all-in-one soaps, bagging your liquids, stocking your grooming bag, using scented beard oils and face wipes.

We wish you the best of travels and hope that when you walk into any room, that luscious beard of yours drops jaws and panties.



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